Statutory Website Information

Name of school: Newton Poppleford Primary School
Address: School Lane, Sidmouth, Devon EX10 0EL
Telephone Number: 01395 568300
Headteacher: Mr Anthony Pope
The name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public is Anthony Pope, the headteacher. If he is not available, please contact the School Office and they will direct you to his representative.
Our SENDCO is Debbie Tollerfield and can be contacted via the School Office on 01395 568300.
Admission Arrangements 

The admissions policy is to admit four-year-old children born between 1st September and 31st August in the Autumn term.

Each Devon school serves a particular area, but parents may apply for a place for their child in any school. The School accepts the principle of parental choice and considers applications for children living outside the School’s designated area. Places are allocated with priority given to children living in the designated area and to children outside of our catchment with siblings in School.  Parental preference is only refused if it would prejudice the efficient use of resources or the Planned Admission Number set by the Area Education Authority.

The 2023 and 2024 Admission policy can be found here and on the School Policies page. It is also to be found, along with other schools, at

2025 Admission policy will be going to consultation on 1st November 2024. 

Further details can be found on the School Admissions page on Devon's website


Ofsted Reports
The 2020, 2007 and 2002 reports as well as the 2010 Interim Assessment Statement can be found here or downloaded by clicking on the appropriate link below.
Exam & Assessment Results
The content of each year group's curriculum can be downloaded from the individual class pages. You can follow this link: Class pages

Performance Tables 

To access Newton Poppleford Primary School's DfE Performance Data from website, please visit: 


Here are the final results data for pupils who completed key stage 2 in the summer of 2023. For more information including a detailed explanation of the scores, please go to our school’s performance webpage. 


Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: school 
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard: nationally1
Percentage of pupils achieving the Higher standard: school
Percentage of pupils achieving the Higher standard: nationally
Average scaled score: school
Average scaled score: nationally2
Combined – (reading writing and maths) 
English reading 
English grammar, punctuation and spelling 
English writing (teacher assessment)  

Progress score in reading, writing, and maths  

Reading         +0.4 

Writing           -2.5 

Maths            -1.1 

These scores show how much progress pupils at this school made in reading, writing and maths between the end of key stage 1 and the end of key stage 2, compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1. The majority of schools have progress scores between - 5 and + 5. 


To find out more about the curriculum at Newton Poppleford, download the appropriate curriculum documents and school policies. Each class page will also contain curriculum details for the whole academic year. 
KS1 Phonics & Reading Scheme
The school's KS1 phonics scheme is the Fischer Family Trust DFE accredited scheme. Please see our associated curriculum pages for information on our approach to reading. 
Behaviour Policy
The policy can be downloaded from our policies section of the website
School Complaints Procedure
Our complaints procedure can be downloaded from the policies section of the website
Pupil Premium Funding
The report can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
Sports Premium funding
Details of the spending of this funding can be found below
Special Educational Needs Report
The policy can be found on the SEND page or can be downloaded from here below.
Governors' Information and duties
Details about the structure and responsibilities of the governing body and its committees, information about each governor’s business, financial interests and governance roles in other schools can be found here.
Charging and Remissions Policy
This can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
Values and Ethos
In 2023, the school conducted a full consultation with all stakeholders and re-imagined the school's strategies plan and vision. Please find the details of the current school vision and values attached.
Paper copies of all of these documents can be requested from the School Office.